Nika Kriznar was clearly the best athlete of the Summer Grand Prix in Frenstat. Slovenian managed to win every single round, including Friday’s trainings and the trial round.
Official quotes after the event:
Nika Kriznar (SLO): At first, we trained at home individually and started to train together again later. Today, I am really happy, I made good jumps, even though I didn’t expect the first place as last year.
Marita Kramer (AUT): The training this year was different as I was away for 5 weeks, I could not jump as much as usual but the technique is here and I am happy about my second place.
Ema Klinec (SLO): My jumping was not as good as it should be but I am pleased with my third place and I would really like to thank the organizer, that despite the difficult circumstances around the world, we were still able to compete in Frenstat.
Marita Kramer Nika Kriznar Ema Klinec
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