Hendrickson wins on Saturday in Sochi


Sarah Hendrickson won the first World Cup in Sochi ahead of Sara Takanashi and Anette Sagen.

Sarah Hendrickson (USA) won the first Word Cup on the K95 hill in Sochi, Russia, where the 2014 Olympic Games will be held. With a pair of jumps of 103.5 and 103.0 meters she won ahead of Japan’s Sara Takanashi (106.0 and 104.0 m), winner of the World Cup opening two weeks ago in Lillehammer. Takanashi scored more distance points then Hendrickson, but due to higher judges marks eventually the American was 6.2 points ahead. Hendrickson said: “I enjoyed jumping on this hill. It is great to win on the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games venue. It seems that also this year could become the season of the two Sara(h)s, but let’s see how it goes on. There are a lot of other good ladies in the field, but I will always try to give my best.” Also Takanashi was happy about the result, but seemed to be a little bit grieved because of her low style points: “I am very happy that I achieved this second place today. It is a pity that I had some problems with the landing and the telemark. I have this kind of problem since last year. I like the hill here in Sochi but it is a little bit unusual for me”, she said.

Luckiest team of the day were the Norwegians. Their bags got lost on the way to Sochi and it was already arranged that they could borrow equipment from other jumpers. But eventually right before the competition their luggage arrived and so they were able to use their own skis. Best of them was Anette Sagen, who took the third place with jumps of 101.5 and 98.0 meters. “Like the others in our team, I had some problems with my equipment which arrived late but right in time at the end. I have to say that the Ski Jumping family is really great. If my equipment would not have arrived, some of the other jumpers would have borrowed me shoes and skis. Thanks a lot for this support! The Sochi hill is quite similar to the 2011 World Championships hill in Midtstua in Oslo and I like it very much. I feel comfortable on this hill!” she said.

The fourth place was shared by Austria’s Daniela Iraschko (103.5 and 95.0 m), who was still third after the first round, and France’s Coline Mattel (102.0 and 97.5 m). Sixth came Italy’s Evelyn Insam with jumps of 100.0 and 96.0 meters.

In the overall World Cup Hendrickson and Takanashi now share the first place with 180 points each. Third is Sagen with 120 points. In the Nations Cup Norway (401 points) is ahead of Japan (391) and the United States (347).

Results after the 1st round »

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