While most jumpers flew from Japan directly to Europe, Lindsey Van and Abby Hughes made a trip around the whole world to get to Ljubno.
After having two competitions in Japan, the best female ski jumpers in the world are now back in Europe. They meet now in Ljubno, Slovenia, for the last World Cups before the World Championships.
Also the U.S.-team made it to Ljubno. It’s one of the short curious stories that two of them made a really interesting journey. While Sarah Hendrickson and Jessica Jerome took a direct flight, Lindsey Van and Abby Hughes flew from Japan to America and from there to Europe. They only spent one night at home in Park City and then left again to Europe. “We had about 15 hours in the U.S. before getting on the plane again to Europe,” Abby Hughes said to Ladies-Skijumping.com.
The reason why they had to take this indirect route is, that they had started their trip to Japan in America. After the World Cups in Hinterzarten they went home and from there to Japan, while their team-mates Hendrickson and Jerome stayed in Europe. One-way tickets are always more expensive than round trip tickets and so taking a direct flight from Japan to Europe would have been by far more expensive – also Ski Jumping teams have to keep an eye on the costs.