A strong ladies ski jumping team has been nominated by Slovenian Ski Association. The national team for the season 2008/2009 consists of five girls.
Maja Vtič, Eva Logar, Anja Tepeš, Manja Pograjc and Katja Požun will be coached by Primoz Rychl (head coach) and his asistants – Damjan Semrl and Zvone Pograjc.
Slovenians decided also to nominate the two person “perspective team”. In this team, coached by Andrej Lesnik, are going to train Spela Rogelj and Barbara Klinec.
Team A:
Maja Vtič
Eva Logar
Anja Tepeš
Manja Pograjc
Katja Požun
Perspective team:
Špela Rogelj
Barbara Klinec