Ramsau: Alissa Johnson wins Qualification


Alissa Johnson won the Qualification in Ramsau, Jacqueline Seifriedsberger best in official training.

The World Cup continues tomorrow in Ramsau, Austria, and there finally a competition will be held in a snowy setting. A big contrast to the first World Cups in Lillehammer and Sochi where only the jumping hill was snow-covered. Already today official training and qualification were held. The whole day here in Ramsau was cold but sunny and so there were very good weather conditions for the official training and the qualification, that were held in the afternoon. The wind was mostly calm, just from time to time a gentle breeze of tail wind was there.

Seifriedsberger best in official training

93.0 meters of Austria’s Jacqueline Seifriedsberger in the first round of the training meant the farthest jump of the day. After jumping 87.5 meters in the second training she skipped the qualification. Also the Sara(h)s performed very well in this training. America’s Sarah Hendrickson jumped 89.0 and 92.5 meters and World Cup leader Sara Takanashi from Japan jumped 89.0 and 91.5 meters. Also Coline Mattel (FRA) skipped the qualification, after jumping 81.5 and 90.5 meters in the training.

Johnson wins Qualification

Winner of the Qualification came America’s Alissa Johnson. After jumping 88.0 and 82.5 meters in the training, she jumped 91.0 meters in this scored round. Second came her team-mate Jessica Jerome with a 88.5 meter jump. On places three and four followed the Slovenians Spela Rogelj (85.5 m) and Ursa Bogataj (87.0 m).

The good news of the day is that Italy’s Elena Runggaldier, who fell on the last weekend in Sochi and thereby suffered a mild concussion, is able to jump again. After jumping 68.5 and 74.5 meters in the official training, she eventually took the fifth rank in the Qualification with a nice 87.0 meter jump. She shared this fifth place with Norways Line Jahr, who jumped 84.5 meters.

The prequalified jumpers, that used this qualification as a third training round, jumped with a shorter inrun, so their jumps have to be seen independently. Best of them was Takanashi with a nice jump of 88.5 meters. Also local heroine Daniela Iraschko performed strong with a jump of 87.0 meters. Prior to this, in the official training, she jumped 86.5 and 89.5 meters. Hendrickson landed her third jump on 86.0 meters.

There were 55 jumpers on the starting list, the best 50 of them will start in the World Cup tomorrow. Czech Republic’s Michaela Rajnochova was disqualified as her suit was a little bit too large.

>> Schedule and additional information

http://www.fis-ski.com/pdf/2013/JP/3928/2013JP3928RLT.pdf (Training)
http://www.fis-ski.com/pdf/2013/JP/3928/2013JP3928RLQ.pdf (Qualification)