After her second jump today Svenja Würth felt a severe pain in her knee. It’s unclear if she could compete tomorrow.
It is doubtful if Germany’s Svenja Würth is able to compete in tomorrow’s World Cup. In today’s competition here in Schonach the 19-year old, who is currently on the 15th place in the overall World Cup, took the 29th place. After landing her second jump of 84.5 meters she immediately fell. German Head Coach Andreas Bauer told at the press-conference, that Würth felt some strong pain in her knee right when landing. She had problems with a sore outer ligament in the past and there is the fear, that this injury might have become worse for some reason. She will be examined by team doctor Florian Porzig this evening. At the moment it seems to be extremely unlikely that she will be able to compete tomorrow.